Thursday, August 4, 2011

Twitter HTML 5 version now on iPad

Twitter rolls out better browser based HTML 5 version of for iPad users who prefer not to choose the native application.

Twitter has unveiled a new HTML5 version of the for Apple iPad devices.
"We've launched our HTML5 version of for iPad. It will be rolling out to device owners over the next week or so," the social network and microblogging website said in an official Twitter post.
The newer version brings improvements both in terms of appearance and performance. In terms of looks, now will appear in a multi pane view as compared to the present single panned one; obviously with HTML5 integration much better performance and faster updation of the tweets is expected.
Surprisingly, the announcement of the new iPad version of Twitter comes right sometime before the HTML5 improvised version of the Facebook, codenamed Project Spartan, revealed a couple of weeks ago. Even though the Project Spartan has been in the news for quite some time now, it is yet to be released for the users.
Anyhow, iPad users are getting benefited by the whole process even though it is getting delayed or not.
As mentioned earlier also, iPad users will start seeing the updated web version of soon enough as Twitter has already started the roll out and they are optimistic that it will reach to the masses in the next week or so.

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